Article: How to prevent getting a sore arse on my exercise bike
How to prevent getting a sore arse on my exercise bike
Today we are going to go through what you can do to help minimise discomfort while riding your exercise bike.
1. Ensure your seat is in the right position for you! That's not just height but also how far forwards you are sitting. This will also help to prevent straining and causing injury to the lower back, knees and hips while riding. A good link to help you into position:
i. Bring the seat up to the top of your hip bones
ii. Sit in your saddle, bring your pedals in line horizontally (parallel to the floor), and see where your forward leg kneecap is positioned compared to your foot, vertically. Your kneecap should be in line with the centre of your foot. If it is not, adjust the seat forward or back until you are in alignment. Your leg should never stretch out all the way on a bike and it should not be too bent either.
2. Choosing the right seat for you! If you are in a spin class you may have the option of a slim or wide saddle. We are all built differently so saddle comfort varies greatly saddle to saddle and is a very personal choice. If you are spending a lot of time in the saddle, it is worth measuring your sit bones and then determining what position you like to ride in depending on your athletic ability. This will have a bearing on the width of saddle for you. It has nothing to do with the size of your bum!
3. Cycling shorts with padding or a padded cover. Again this is a personal choice, but here at Pedalshed, we believe that having a padded seat cover far outranks cycling shorts as you have the freedom to wear whatever is comfortable for you. Be it running shorts, yoga pants, sweats or swimwear. You will not overheat inside a pad cladded to your body furthermore our padded covers are made with sweat channels to keep you as dry and comfortable as possible, both on and off the bike. They are made from top quality sports fabrics which are bacteria static (no oder), quick drying, promote circulation and prevent overheating. Additional bonus: when you dismount your bike, you don't look like you are wearing a nappy!
Take me straight to a padded cover for slim fit and wide seat padded cover
Our covers are made with an elasticated draw string which can be adjusted for a snug fit.
Lastly, dont forget to stand up in your saddle every 10 mins while riding to keep circulation going and prevent a build up of pressure.
Keep pedalling...